Thursday, June 24, 2010

Free Agency and Discipline

McDonalds facing lawsuit against toys in Happy Meals...

What?!?! Seriously?!?! For the first time ever, I am on the side of McDonalds.... I know, sad, but true. I don't necessarily like McDonalds food. I LOVE their fries, but the hamburgers tastes crappy and but I do usually get their yogurt parfait, that isn't bad. But what ever happened to free agency and discipline? McDonalds isn't pushing this food into our fat bellies... we are pulling into their drive thru and ordering at free will. (Maybe with a few screaming kids in the background vying for the Shrek toy) but seriously, what about discipline? Is it McDonalds fault that you let your kids walk all over you and MAKE you order the Happy Meal because of the Lego car inside? Or the Barbie Princess bracelet? Really?!?! If it is McDonalds fault then you should be ashamed of yourself for letting a huge company like that raise your so called "responsible children" that will grow up into greedy adults. I am not going to lie. My kids get Happy Meals and no, not all the time. Just sometimes and yes, we order fries and sometimes the high fructose fruit cup, but I MAKE THAT CHOICE... NOT MCDONALDS. Sometimes my kids scream and cry if they don't get what they want, or if they don't get the "toy they wanted," and sometimes they could care less, but am I teaching my children anything by blaming someone else for making bad choice for me? Last time I checked I was the one pulling my car in for a $1 Coke...
Next let's sue Wal-Mart for placing toys right at the check out counter when you have been grocery shopping for already over an hour and your kids are tired and hungry and they want those toys that are right there! (This one I am kind of all for!) Then let's sue Toys R' Us for actually selling toys?!?! How could they?!?! Then Home Depot for putting their beautiful BBQ's right outside that they are the first thing you see when you pull up... Then all the wonderfully talented Etsy artists for making such beautiful crafts that I want to buy, then let's sue Old Navy, TJ Maxx for great deals, and all the people that have yard sales... Yeah, let's just sue everyone so that when we get to Heaven we can look God in the eye and say, "yep, I officially blamed everyone else for everything that I did or didn't do, did I pass?"


Tiffany Fackrell said...

I agree. some people these days...seriously. We actually really do need to sue everyone because we have T.V. (sue them too) and my kids see all the commercials and I have NO CHOICE but to buy them everything they see....IT is all so stupid!

hennchix said...

Great post!! Amen!

twylla said...

My goodness Korbi I believe you should get that publilshed this is such a sue happy world or else you should be a lawyer and make some money on peoples choices