Saturday, December 25, 2010

I LOVE the Christmas morning expressions when kids see presents.... I dream of capturing it on film and this year was pretty good (minus Paisley's face not being seen/how much more I should have zoomed in/and lighting is terrible) But Beck's face is pretty priceless!Nutcracker dolls from Maimi Dawn. Thanks Maimi! Paisley's face says it all...We LOVE dress ups at our house. Sword and knight costume from Maimi Dawn (she made the costume) and belly dancing girl skirt for Paisley. Great additions to our costume stash!Paisley on Christmas Eve in her Christmas jammies. Beck had recently just stormed out of the room because he saw a "baby" pictured on the outside of his jammies (There was a picture of a toddler because the brand was Child of Mine) so I coaxed him out with some Star Wars jammies I had stashed away...We invited Tiffanni and Ruben and kids over for Taco soup, pinata, and Bingo.The Nelson girls complete with their parents came over towards the end of the party (Kortni was nursing the flu) and the kids got CASE tractor sprayers from Uncle Brandon and I got an AWESOME frame that Brandon built with wire in the middle to attach pictures to. And if anyone really know me they know that I LOVE pictures, so guess how big the frame is?? HUGE!!!! And it's done! The kids didn't wake up until 8:30 and then they were surprised because they had forgotten it was Christmas! I think that Beck's favorite thing was his Lego Batman game which he has not stopped playing. Paisley's favorite was probably her Dora house that Santa brought and a Dora doll with baby Boots, the monkey, and stroller. And yes, I am spoiled and I got an awesome new camera which I quickly set up to finish taking Christmas pictures with.... These are from my phone, don't get them confused with the ones that will be following from my new Canon! Yeah!

Stephen is downstairs setting up new computer. Yeah! Old one was seriously on its last leg... It was a good computer. I got it for our 1st anniversary. I am currently making mashed potatoes to take to Christmas dinner at Todd and Denas in Othello. And there's nothing like a snack of cheese and yogurt and since it's Christmas we'll throw in some donuts.... While still in your Christmas jammies at 2 in the afternoon of course!


Lena Gilbert said...

lucy has those same christmas pajamas!

Anonymous said...

gotta love a girl that eats her dairy!!!!

Jana said...

Yeah for Christmas and staying in your pajamas all day! Looks like you guys had a great Christmas! Your snacks looked alot healthier than ours - we started with 7 layer dip moved onto chicken wings and spinach dip and topped it off with cookies - great Christmas breakfast! Don't know what a Lego Batman game is but sounds fun. Can't wait to see the pictures with the new camera

Anonymous said...

so cute! Anything goes on Christmas!