Tuesday, March 20, 2012

This last weekend we were able to go to the cabin with the Raymond family and the Wiseman family, fun neighbors of ours. We celebrated St Patty's Day with green crackled fingernail polish for all!

Paisley spent plenty of time on the ipad...

And Penelope showed her Green spirit!

We drove up the hill for a bit in search of snow. Right as we pulled up I mentioned the small creek and Stephen said "no one will all in.." not 5 minute later 6 year old Adam Wiseman was sopping wet and freezing...

Card games, puzzle, lots of food, canoe rides that sink (B.J. Rayomd had his two little girls in with him, luckily all with life jackets, and the canoe tipped over! Into the freezing lake!) and even a few lucky ones got a nap...

WE <3 the cabin so much!!!

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