Friday, July 11, 2014

We spent the week of the 4th of July up at the cabin. We were sposed to come home Saturday, but ended up staying until Tuesday. Yeah! I love it up there! Beck really caught on the wake boarding and can get up every time now. Stephen bought a smaller board and it's "Seahawks colors," so Beck is convinced that is what worked. He also got up on skies and said it was way easier than wake boarding! 
The 4th of July pic of the kiddos. 
Penelope hates the loud fireworks and now hates sparklers because she touched one with her finger and got a pretty good blister on the end of it. 

Baby Kylie was a great sleeping Remmy holder! 
Paisley and her good friend cousin buddy  Sunny and their spots at the front of the boat...
Penelope smashed her toe by dropping a can of corn on it. This was right after she burned her finger on a sparkler. Needless to say she was pretty grumpy the rest of the week. Poor thing. It got pretty swollen. 
The short hike to the waterfall that always freaks me out how someone could fall right in by one false step of goofing around and sleep. Really gives me major anxiety every time we go! 
Another successful fun week at the cabin and can't wait to go back! 

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