Saturday, July 19, 2008

Cabin Week

Beck, Paisley, and Korbi on Paisley's first boat ride.
Beck and Kylie and the infamous "bue gogos" that she let him borrow until I could find him some of his own.
Beck and his new favorite "bue dishy gogos" that I got lost and drove to 3 different stores looking for. They had to be blue and we were just lucky enough to find blue ones that were fishies!
Korbi, Beck, and Marinda on the tube.
Korbi, Beck, and Rylee on the tube.

My wonderful and oh so gracious Mother in Law was kind enough to let me and my kids tag along with her to their cabin in Priest Lake AGAIN! We had a great time playing and tubing on the boat. Beck was brave and went out of the wake and actually got going pretty fast on the tube! He laughed when we went on little bumps, but he didn't like it too much when the water kept spraying him in the face. Paisley enjoyed her first boat ride and being held by every one. Beck had a fun time fishing. Grandpa Bobby Boy went and bought 3 kid's fishing poles. Luckily one of them lost the string and hook, so I let Beck play with that one. He'd stick the pole in the water and bring it out and say "dishy?" and I'd grab the end of it in my hands and pull off a leaf or something that looked fishish that I had hid in my hand and say, "yep, fishy!" and he'd grab it and throw it back in the water. We played this game for a LONG time. There was a real fish that we could see from the dock that sat in the same spot guarding eggs or something because it never moved and Beck would sit and stare at it and get all excited. It was a nice vacation, but hard at the same time. Chasing Beck around, making sure he had his life jacket on, carrying Paisley as I chase him down the dock. Everyone is real nice and helps at any chance, but I really did need that nap we all took on Thursday for 2 1/2 hours. Makes me wish that he's nap every day! It was a nice week and we are glad to be back, bags, unpacked, and some laundry done and a gate to our fence! Did ya read that part?? A gate! I have been crossing my fingers for WEEKS! Even months, and all through the winter, WE HAVE A GATE TO OUR FENCE! One side had always been gated in, but not the side where my garden is and now we have a gate. Some friends, Rory and Dallas, came over today and helped Stephen finish it and our brother-in-law Brandon came and hauled off some old wood Stephen had been hanging on to, so THANK you Brandon and Rory and Dallas. I am so excited! I can't wait to not have to follow Beck around the corner and try to convince him to stay in the backyard, now he CAN'T get out. Poor kid, he's not gonna be so happy about this, but I say, whatever keeps my sanity is worth it. :)
PS Bobby Boy and Grandma Ann, Beck says he's sorry for writing on the window sill with purple crayon and slicing the window screen with a knife....


twylla said...

Boy do you and your little ones have such great times to remember. As I say all the time families are the best thing in life. You look great in your new glasses beck and Paisley is really growing. They are little for such a short time. You need to always cout your blessing Korbi. You must be so greatful to have such a great family. Do appreciate and love them

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you need a vacation on the couch with a great babysitter to watch the kids and you watching t.v for a couple of days not doing anything!
Congrats on the gate!