Friday, August 22, 2014

Wish Penelope and I luck. We are on Day 2 and my patience is thin.... 
I wish that I could print off every picture onto large canvases. Sadly, I am already out of wall space and i constantly am moving stuff around. I love that I am learning so much about photography and I have great models that humor me! 

I don't know what has changed with Beck, but the last month he has been the best big brother! Not that he was bad before, but he now actually likes to keep Penelope entertained (for a little bit at least) and carrying Remington around. He has really been a great Big Brother! I'm sad when he heads to school next week. 

Monday, August 18, 2014

Talking with Beck about how he needs to brush his teeth everyday and take care of them or his permanent teeth will be yellow. 
Beck "why does it matter if my teeth are yellow?" 
Me "because usually people like their teeth to be white."
Beck "well if I want to be a ninja then I won't have anything to worry about then."

Monday, August 11, 2014

Fun at the aquatic center in Moses Lake. Our days are getting numbered and the summer has seemed to of flown by. Sad. Paisley hit her lip on Becks head, but ice cream makes everything better! Remmy was napping in the shade and Beck was off swimming with friends. They grow up so fast! 

I drug all the kids and myself into the walk in clinic bright and early when they opened at 8:30 this morning. We've had fevers and coughs and snotty noses running amongst all of us. I have had a cough about 3 weeks. We left with bronchitis for me and an ear infection for Penelope. The rest got the "it's a virus" diagnosis, although Beck's seasonal allergies are flaring up quite a bit. We are sposed to be heading to Monroe, Wa to finally go meet my new neice, Dakota, and see Jakobi's new house they just moved into from Philomath, OR, so I am hoping that we all heal quickly! 

Penelope has a tough love relationship with her little brother Remington. Always squeezing too tight, laying on him too rough, kissing him way intense. She's a passionate one she is. Remington doesn't agree with her kind of love, but for the most part he puts up with it! 

Monday, August 4, 2014

Remington pretty much thinks that he is big stuff now and is really exploring all over the house. 

To celebrate my 32nd birthday on Saturday we went to tri cities to fix a tire on my van, shipped a little at costco for some groceries, and then ate at the Texas Roadhouse, which is not my favorite restaurant! We then made it back to Moses lake about 8:30 and ate frozen Yogurt at Blue Palm!