Christmas Eve party at AIM with friends and family. We started off the night of fun with a Christmas video we watched on Youtube about Christ and giving in this season and then we read the Birth of Christ out of the scriptures. The Nelsons, the Becks (mom, dad, Kalan, Justin) the McKays, and the Vails were all in attendance at the party. Complete with pinata, Bingo and prizes, yummy scones, Nerf guns!
Cousins and memories.
Beck was going to catch Santa Claus. He fell asleep directly after.
The blurry chaos of Christmas morning!
Remington's 1st Christmas and Penelope's Little People Disney Princess castle from Santa.
The aftermath...
Stockings! We didn't get to stocking until later in the afternoon. We were hosting Christmas dinner, so it was busy busy.
Remmy doesn't sit up yet, so our pictures were tricky.
Christmas dinner with family and friends. We almost didn't have turkey, but we called Grandma Mimi and she reassured us that a little pink skin was fine, as long as the inside was done!
All the kids yelling out "Merry Christmas!"
Penelope didn't get to her stocking until well after her birthday party the day after Christmas. Just too with new toys, naps, food everywhere that needed to be eaten, melt downs, and birthday presents.
Merry CHRISTmas to all! WE had a wonderful holiday surrounded by family and friends.