Friday, November 9, 2007

I don't even want to jinx myself, but we are supposed to find out what the sex of the baby is on Monday. I never actually thought about there being a "complication," not like a scary complication, but like the baby crossing his legs or being turned wrong and I don't get to find out. I think that I would go crazy!!! Argh! I just don't think that I would be able to stand it. Beck keeps me pretty busy, but I still think about how far away this baby seems, I've got to have something to break it up. like oh, I dunno, shopping. If it's boy, I'm pretty set, but there are still a few things that I'd like to purchase, Baby Bumbo, Baby Bjourn, clothes, clothes, clothes. And if it's girl, well, my sister has 3 girls, 2 in the same season, so I pretty much am set there too, but I can guarantee that I will find something to buy!!!! :) So I will keep you posted "dear diary...." and wish me luck...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We took a poll.
3 for a boy
1 for a girl
2 for twins
1 for who cares.
Just thought you would like to know that we will love "IT" no matter what! Love you
Dad, Brit, Chad, Jake, Justin, Bridger and Branson, and sleeping Jax. (who Did not vote)