Friday, June 28, 2013

The "birth story" of Remington Soren Ashton.
I had an appt on Thursday the 20th, but I didn't even have Dr Lyons check me again because I didn't feel any different (any more crappy than I had already been feeling) and Stephen was headed to Hells Canyon to go fishing with some buddies on Friday and Saturday and I didn't want to stir anything up and have him miss it. Kalan came to visit Friday night and stayed til Sunday afternoon and we had a low key weekend. Kalan and I did go see World War Z with Brad Pitt in it and it was spectacular! Edge of your seat blood pressure crazy spectacular. Sunday I don't feel awesome and the kids and I skipped church, Penelope had a snotty nose and was up in the middle of the night for a few hours the night before. Stephen had made it home late Saturday and there was no baby yet, so he was in the clear to not miss the birth of his 4th child. Subday afternoon was spent doing laundry and we took off on a bike ride with the Nelson girls. Monday Mormon about 7am I woke up to use the bathroom and then went back to bed and a few moments later felt a little wet. I was confused since I had just gone to the bathroom how had I wet my pants? But it's been known to happen when I am this huge pregnant. I went to the bathroom again and luckily had just spoken with my friend Sabrina about this and realized that my water had probably broke. It's not always like how it happens in the movies... I told Stephen and then all the kids got excited and wanted to know where te baby was. I called my dr and convinced them to let me go see them, to make sure, so I didn't get sent home from the hospital if instead I had peed my pants. I left Stephen at home with kids as made it to Dr Lyons office at 9 and they stuck me on a table and although I was not a 3 and feeling mild contractions that indeed my water had broke. He said I could go home and grab my bags but not to take all day and he would call the hospital and tell labor and delivery that I was on my way. I drove home and got out of the van and walked towards the front door and that's when my water broke like in te movies. It was everywhere. My sweatpants were soaked and I was so glad I was still standing on the porch and not in my front entry way. I yelled for Stephen and he was on a conference call and was trying to get off and finally just told them his wife was having a baby and was standing in a puddle of water on his porch and they let him go. He grabbed me some towels and I made it to the bathroom and changed clothes and tried to shower off but I just kept leaking everywhere. He got the kids in the car and we headed to the hospital where Tiffanni met us to take the kids. I got checked in about 10:00am and was still only at a 3 after and hour or so, so they started pitocin at around 12:30. I didn't want to start potocin, I had heard borrow stories, but it got things moving and I was having some major contractions a few minutes apart at about 2:45 but they didn't check me again until about 3:00 and I was a 6 and feeling lots of pressure. Stephen took off to get some food at Jack in the box down the road. At about. 3:17 I sent a text to Jakobi saying I didn't know how much longer I was going to make it because I was exhausted. Stephen made it back about then and I was having major contractions without much rest in between and I remember making a few comments about how strong the bed rails must be because they weren't broken yet. At this point the nurse checked me again and I was an almost 9 and she said "I can almost guarantee the next ones means baby!" They called Dr lyons and I went through some crazy contractions with my legs straight and crossed pretty much holding baby Remington in where I was "yelling" "I'd really like to push!" And the nurses saying that the Dr was on his way. I looked at Stepehn and asked him "how many more times are we going to do this?" And he chuckled along with the 4 nurses that had gathered in our room with all the excitement I was stirring, I told them I was sorry but I was pushing and in came Dr Lyons, threw one glove on and told the nurse not the drop the table because he didn't have time for another glove and he said one more and out popped baby Remington. Stephen looked and me as somewhat whispered "it's a boy," and I remember thinking that I didn't care just please don't put it back!! I asked him to grab the camera and he did but had to set it back down after Dr Lyons asked if he wanted to cut the cord and he did. I felt so great after it was all done and they laid Remmy on me and I looked at the nearest nurse and commented how small he was. After a bit they finally weighed him and he was a small 6 lbs 6 oz. smallest baby we have had yet. Looking back I would rather my water not break because I didn't like being in the hospital for so long before delivery. But I still made it without an epidural an was able to get up and wall around afterwards. My friend Alicia Taylor made it a few minutes after the birth ad snapped some pics for us. And Tiffanni and the kids and Grandma Ann after that. The kids were great. They loved him at first sight. Penelope have him big smiles and wanted to touch him over and over. Paisley said he was the "cutest thing ever." And Beck was so proud to have a brother. We were in disagreement about his name for quite a while. I was so set on the name, Remington, after I had had a dream a month ago that we had a boy and his name was Remington. Beck was insistent, and got Paisley on board as well, and they were calling him Soren. Soren had been on the list and they wanted it bad! Stephen was saying he liked all the names, as usual and was no help in deciding. He did say no to names before then so I do think that he at least liked what we were left to choose from. Even though I also think he was leaning towards Jorgan, but did tell the kids that mom did all the work, so she probably gets the most say in the baby's Name. In which Beck responded that he didn't care what we named him, but he was going to call him Soren. Soren is Stephen's great great grandfather, Oscar Fran's father and grandpa Yorgesens grandfather. I was not too keen on having all the names end the same with On and En and somewhat rhyme, but I really wanted Remington and the kids wanted Soren, so by Day 2 in the hospital Remington Soren Ashton it was- papers signed, sealed, and tuned into the birth certificate office.
Kids meeting baby Remington a few minutes after he was born.
First look at the little guy.
Such a tiny guy!
Remington likes his hands always in his face.
Remmy and his pediatrician, Dr Karen Lindberg.
Remington's first bath at the hospital.
Proud daddy.
Dr. James Lyons delivered Remington.

Ready to go home!

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

"Wehadababyitsaboy!" The whole
Time this Geico commercial has been running through my head....
Little man doesn't have a name yet. I was set on Remington, but Beck and even Paisley call him Soren. So I'm going to sleep on it and reevaluate in the morning. 
Born at 3:36pm 
June 24, 2013  
6 lbs 6 oz
18.5" long 
Just a little guy, but healthy and we are all so happy! Well, besides Penelope... I think she just didn't like the hospital bed because as soon as I was out of it she let me hold her and pick her up and hug her. She was all smiles for baby too! 

Sunday, June 23, 2013

38 weeks! I'm ready. Stephen just made it home from a fishing trip with some buddies and my little brother, Kalan, is visiting from Seattle until tomorrow. (He was actually here when Penelope was born) and she was supposedly 2 weeks early, so tomorrow could be the day. Way to get my hopes up right?!?! Kalan and I went to see the Brad Pitt movie, World War Z, and it was edge of my seat adrenaline rush the whole time. So I'm ready now. Stephen is home, blood pressure is high because of movie, not really, but it was pretty intense! Just excited to meet Ashton baby #4! 

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Beck "Paisley, aren't I your friend?"
Paisley "you are my brother friend."
Beck "what does that mean?"
Paisley "it means you are the best kind of friend."

Oh how I love this. ♥

Monday, June 17, 2013

37 weeks and counting...

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Our babies love you and I love you. You are the best daddy ever. Serious, hands down, no question. Wish you could stay home with us all day every day. We love it when you are home, but know that you need to be away to take such good care of us. Stay awesome, you are great at it. Thank you for all that you do for us. You are very much appreciated!!
My Dad, Bruce Beck, being the awesome dad that he is to my twin sister and I on our first birthday 1983. Not only is he the best father to me and my 5 siblings, he is just an all around awesome guy to the many around him. I dare you to thin...k of anyone else that has brought a smile to your face more than the Mr Bruce Beck! Always full of jokes and "what's that on your shoulder?" As well as words of wisdom in a desperate time of need always ended with the encouragement that you can decide for yourself and figure it out and the best part, "this too shall pass." Nothing makes me smile more remembering that dreaded sound of his footsteps hitting that first stair to come wake me up to change water on the family farm and teach me the value of hard work, all while smiling. Well, there was that one time we all slept in and he did it alone after we said we would be there for him and he was definitely NOT smiling!!! But admit it, he's awesome. And that beard is pretty much to die for as well!!!See More

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Don't ask me why I'm wearing all white and the towel behind my head looks like a veil. It was like 2am... Lol-
I've been taking a lot of people's pictures and staying up late editing them to get them to them super fast....
Here I am one day shy of 37 weeks. Only dilated to a 1.5 with false labor mixed with irregular real contractions since Monday. Let's just say that I am not a happy camper but trying to keep a smile on. Trying to keep busy and took the kids to the pool a few times this week and kept cousin Ashton over for most of the week to stay the night and play. Redoing a dollhouse I bought for $10 for Paisley and Penelope. Hoping to get it done, so it's just not another project sitting in my garage unfinished. My house is driving me insane with all the dust, I don't sleep much and Penelope has resorted to a whiny crying mess over the last month, I think she knows what's coming...

Sunday, June 9, 2013

I have a ton of nieces and nephews. Like tons. For their birthday I started making scavenger hunts all those many years ago when I joined the Ashton Family clan. It's easier than remembering a present/wrapping it/ and it saves money and kids really remember it and they love it, well, at least that's what they tell me. But now that there are sometimes 5-7 birthdays a month to get together and celebrate its not so easy coming up with clues anymore. My mind freezes up and I could sit here forever just not wanting to write te clues... I better get going cause I still have 4 loads of laundry to fold and we are headed to Othello soon. 

Saturday, June 8, 2013

 We just had a great fun relaxing few days at the cabin with Stephen before he took off for a few days to Philidelphia. Beck and Stephen did some diligent fishing, but with no luck, but with a few nibbles and large fish sightings at least!

 We took some short little "hikes" and yes, I can barely see my feet over this 36 week belly...
 Penelope got lucky and got a sucker at the little store down the road, while the rest of us got ice cream.
 This picture pretty much sums up all of their personalities.
 Paisley even tried her hand at fishing. It's amazing to me that my children even eat fish. Everyone of them but me. Too bad for Stephen that he has to be the one that will has to cook it if any of them actually want to eat it.
 The beautiful cabin that we had all to ourselves. I sewed for like 2 days straight and the kids played lots of board games and such. We had good food and late night movies. Can't wait to get back.
Penelope is always the lucky one that gets carried when we go see the big waterfalls and she's perfectly content with that. ;)

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

1st strawberries from our little garden. Kids thought they were delicious! 

Paisley "First she said no, and then I have her the sad face and she said yes. You should go try it Beck!" 
Penelope is 17 months and I am 35 weeks and 3 days!!! Count down is on! 

Monday, June 3, 2013

I don't like to really waste anything. Like anything. When my kids are done drinking their water I pour what's left into the plants that are around the house. After dinner I gathered up all the cups and poured Penelope's into the nearest plants and out plops a very soggy cracker with it. I about threw up
for some reason...

Saturday, June 1, 2013

 Penelope has a slight obsession with water bottles. I always have one on my nightstand that I drink at night and come morning time she has stolen it and is carrying it around trying to get me to open it. I don't think that my other kids were drinking from a cup and a water bottle at this age so well, but Penny is really quite good at it and spills rarely. She has to have the lid too as you open it for her, so that she can take it on and off. And don't you dare try and take it away from her until she has drank the whole thing!