Thursday, September 16, 2010

Yesterday I got in a fight with a migraine headache. Seriously, after round one I was on the bathroom floor in a fetal position, crying my eyes out, thinking my brain was going to explode and the only thing I could think about was getting blood on the white bathroom rug... Round one never ended and proceeded to kick me in the butt until about 9:00 the next morning (today) when I went to the Dr for some drugs. And what sweet welcome those drugs were. For those of you who have suffered from migraines for years, hats off to you, kudos for your courage and bravery. My sympathies to you and your pain. I, on the other hand, pray that I NEVER have another migraine again because for 2a whole day I did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING... I pray that my kids actually ate something, because at about evening time when I finally got the courage to leave my darkened bedroom there were marshmallow mateys all over everywhere, makes me wonder if any of them actually made it to their little mouths.... :)


Cassidy said...

I'm glad it's over. Migraine's are the WORST. Hopefully you don't get anymore!! After mine I would constantly get headaches for days and I found the one thing that made them go away was Dr. Pepper.

Jana said...

I wonder what marshmellow mateys are? I'll bet lots made it into their mouths along with a whole bunch of other good stuff. Glad you are feeling better and hopefully this is the last one!