Monday, July 25, 2011

This is Beck at the dentist last February. Although an eventful crying fit throwing experience it was nothing compared to last Friday and today. I called Stephen in for reinforcements last Friday and although screaming she got one cavity filled. This morning I had 6 cavities filled and almost had a root canal, but I wasn't wanting to pay the $2,000, so I opted for her to just yank the whole tooth out for $180. Quite a deal I'd say. It's the tooth at the back of my mouth, so you can't even see it anyways :) So although I feel as though I got punched in the face repeatedly my appointment went rather well I'd say and I applaud my dentist, Dr Carrie Tatum.
Beck on the other hand was like you were pulling his finger nails out one by one. And that was just to get him to sit in the chair. The Tylenol with Codeine I was prescribed to give him an hour before the appointment did nothing. Bribes of any Lego set he wanted, a whole package of Ding Dongs, going bowling tomorrow, a milk shake, and hours of endles play at the gym did not work. We got no work done, just 2 hours of screaming and yelling at some of the nicest ladies you will ever meet. I was quite dissappointed in my son. Not to mention I was in major pain and still had blood gushing from soaked gauze at the back of my mouth.... I hate how he feels "fight or die," it really does pain me, there is no reasoning with him. We are headed back in October to try again. He needs two crowns and I fear by then he will need more work done. :( And yes, he drinks water, the occasional milk and juice, but mostly water. He brushes daily and even flosses ad uses the occasional mouth rinse. No we cannot pay $2,000 just to put him under, but at this point it may be our only option. Stephen has stated that if he were tha dental office that we would not even be allowed in the door with the way Beck's acts..... Being a parent is hard.


Tiffany Fackrell said...

do you have dental insurance? that is a total bummer that he acts so crazy at the dentist. Do you go to a pediatric dentist for him? could that help? i have no clue. I say knock the kid out! Good luck! and i say you might even want to think about sealing his baby teeth...if not that definitely his adult ones...even if it is expensive I bet it will save you a ton in the long run.

Korbi said...

I may need to look into this sealing thing. Works for eternal salvation why not teeth right? :)

Jana said...

Can't believe your dentist hasn't suggested sealing. Katelin had hers done when she was little. And yes it's hard being a parent and it doesn't get any easier. The first pediatric dentist we took Katelin too knocked her out in the dentist chair - I wasn't happy about it because if something went wrong - who was there to do something? If he does get knocked out make sure they have all the medical things, etc.

The Peterson's said...

Wow girl that’s rough. I feel your pain. Mac is tough when it comes to most things (Stiches – no tears no problem) but NOT the Dentist. At his last apt. I held him down while he kicked, screamed, threw a chair and threatened the Dentists and this was just in the WAITING ROOM. I just kept thinking WTH? Who possessed my sweet Boy? If you ever figure out the secret to reasoning with a strong willed child PLEASE share! Until then I passed the buck to Glade and made Dentist apts daddy territory.

P.S. We go through it with haircuts too. Have you seen a recent pic of Mac? If so you can see I just gave up that fight LOL….Pick your battles I guess…and knock em’ out if you can. :P