Sunday, January 1, 2012

I don't think that I ever blogged about this!

My sister Kortni threw me a Surprise Baby Shower at the Restaurant Michaels on the Lake on Dec 12, 2011. I had absolutely no idea! Even when I walked in and the Hostess looked at me and said, "Oh, you must be here for the baby shower?" I was thinking, "man, just because I'm hugely pregnany doesn't mean I always go to Baby Showers!" I thought we were there for Kortni's birthday dinner! Soooo funny how caught off guard that I was! It even took me a minute after everyone yelled SURPRISE! I was like, "I thought Kortni KNEW about her birthday dinner?!?!" Then I saw some gifts with little baby things attached and I was like, "OOOHHH!!! It's for me!!!!" It was super fun and exciting! There were like 20 friends there even though she said it was like so last minute of actually calling a few of the people that very day! Look at my super cute pregnant belly cake! Thanks Kortni!

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