Monday, February 16, 2009

Late Valentine's

My little Valentine's Saturday morning.... It's not that I forgot about Valentine's Day, Stephen and I did go to El Rodeo with his parents, but it just kind of came and went. I didn't take many pictures, "gasp," and I just wanted to say that I love all my Valentines. I got Beck and Pais little teddy bears and Beck switched Paisley, so she got the one with blue on it. I got Stephen a new wedding ring, another Wal-Mart special. He only seems to lose the really expensive ones, but seems to hang on to the cheap Wal-Mart ones. Oh well. Dinner was fun and good, I got to wear my new dress and I felt rather snazzy. Stephen got me a teeth whitening in Tri-cities, so look for me and my new whiter teeth some time soon! Beck was sick and didn't get to go to his Valentine's party at school on Wednesday, poor kid, but both my kids seem to be on the mend, and I am praying for the sicky winter season to be over soon! My cousin/roommate moved out over the weekend and I spent most of yesterday putting all of the toys in the house that have been under the stairs, or in the dining room into the new playroom. It does look a lot better when the toys are all put away, I promise, and soon I will paint....That's Beck holding his new "game" (Leapster) that we got him for his birthday, best investment ever if you ask me, except that he's dropping it ALL the time. I am working on an idea for a bag to put it in and I have the material already (cute monkey fabric courtesy of sister-in-law, Mary) We are headed to the cabin this weekend and I am excited for Beck to have his Leapster to play with in the car ride there. I am also praying for lots of snow....Goodbye Alexie! we will miss you and wish you luck in all your endeavors! Come back and see us soon!
Beck will miss her, I promise, he was just being a booger... (you like Piper's cute hat? yeah, I made that.... :) I know, I'm a little conceited, but when you work hard on something and redo it over and over, by the time it's done, you should give yourself a little pat on the back. Thanks Jenn for the cute book on how to knit all these cute little hats....


Emily Katlyn West said...

Ah man could you have cuter family?

tiff said...

cute pictures.. can you come over and update my blog? I have gotten very lazy..... Tell Beck we miss him..

Jess said...

I totally hear ya on the cheap rings, why can't the expensive ones last longer??? Gotta LOVE those Leapsters, they are TOTALLY worth it!!! It was fun visiting by the way :)

The TAUFA'S said...

Awesome valentine's! Sekona has had dog, horse (well, I have had horse), was eyeing a fish at an uncle's house, asked if you could eat a parrot (but thought there wouldn't be much meat on it), turtle, pigs, and I'm allergic to a cat. So not much chance of a pet yet.

Jana said...

I love the knitted hat! Why didn't we get to see a picture of you in your dress? I am glad that you guys get some use out of your elliptical - ours just sits there. I can't even hang the laundry on it - at least the exercise bike was more use.