Monday, February 23, 2009


Pictures of me today because well, um, I am cool, didn't you know? My brother (in law) and sister in law got this cute sweatshirt for me while on a cruise and I watched their kids. (remember this?) They were a little worried that it was too small, so I set Beck up with the camera and made him take a picture of me, to set their worries aside. Then I remembered that my teeth weren't white yet (I got a teeth whitening for V-Day) so I had to cover my mouth. Which reminds me of when I was little. I was a very insecure little girl. I always thought there were boogies in my nose, so I always covered my nose/mouth with my hands, I also knew that I had really big teeth, I mean like huge, so that is also why I covered my mouth. I thought my arms were hairy, so I wore long sleeves, and I also had hairy legs, so I wore pants all the time. So you can imagine what I looked like in the very hot month of August....This was my twin sister, Jakobi and I at a much cuter stage in my life, well, excluding the hair cut. It was all my mom could do to not shave it all off. My Grandma Beck was babysitting us and fell asleep and Jakobi and I decided to cut each other's hair. I remember being so happy and excited to show my mom, so we got our new Easter dresses on and showed her when she got home, yeah, she cried. Our hair used to be this long...So then it had to grow from this boyish splendor...
Into this wanna be eighties dream...Good thing I still had OK teeth.... or I really would have been a mess. And yes, I still have this dress and yes, Paisley will wear it some day and hate me for it when she's 14...


Anonymous said...

Now I know where Jax gets his funny grin! I am doing it also! AHHH, Poor kid! Love the pictures and the post! Don't forget that we thought they were "happy tears!" I hope my little girl never has that perm hair cut!

Neighbor Jane Payne said...

Oh Korbi, those are some of the best pictures.

The thought of darling you being insecure about your looks does not make sense to me! Funny the little things we find to worry about (like hairy arms or too big of teeth). You were darling then and you're darling now.

And cool. That sweatshirt is definitley in the cool category.

Kona & Jared Harper said...

Korbie, I so remember those yellow poka dot bikinie out fits. I have a picture with us three in it and i laugh everytime i see it. I have another picuter of when we were in school together. Our hair was short and curly. I just had to laugh when i saw this picture. What great memories!!

Sheree said...

I acutally remember your bathing suit. Is that pic from the Hunt reunion?