Thursday, June 18, 2009

Hmmm... to go or not to go....

Today we went to the Aquatic Center again after coaching gym was over. The Aquatic Center is a tough one for me. I know that my kids love it and that is why I buy a pass every summer. But I have a love/hate relationship with it. At home I have a fence, a small kiddie pool, sprinklers, and FREE Popsicles, but the Aquatic Center has a slide, huge sand area, and friends. But at home I can sit on my rump and read a book (Breaking Dawn) and maybe have to rescue Pais from an attempted ladder climb or push Beck on the swing, but at the Aquatic Center it's constant go, go, go, and crap! Where is Beck? Did Pais just seriously eat a hand full of sand? Why do ice cream cones have to cost $2? I just ran out of swim diapers, where did Piper go? The cement is HOT! So why do I torture myself? I think that my kids would have just as much fun at home, or would they? It takes me the night before to pack the "swimming pool" bags, and I have actually gotten away with 3 days at the pool and not having to spend any money because I have packed enough snacks/drinks, etc, and the whole drag em there and then coerce them to try and leave when it is time to get home. I can't decide.... Does anyone else feel this way? I would much rather stay home and do my dishes, or read, or just sit in the shade knowing my kids can't drowned or walk away and get kidnapped. Not to mention the swim suit issue and the fact that I don't like the heat too much.....


Monkeys ARDently In Sinc said...

I have the same feelings about the "Surf-n-Slide" (let's be PC, here!!!) water park. I can lay in my own back yard, with my HIGH fence so no one sees me in my ugly-bathing-suit glory, and if I get hot or hungry, I can go inside my nice air-conditioned house. The kids play on the slip-n-slide, and it's all good. Why torture myself?
Because all their friends have passes, and they want to go with them. Dangit! And the slides are fun, and the lazy river is nice and lazy, too.....

Kelley Gubler said...

my kids don't last in the backyard for more than 10 minutes b/c there's a bug on the slide or they have grass on them blah, blah, blah. i like the aquatic center b/c we eat lunch there, stay about 2 hours, no mess at home, they get to play w/ their friends w/o me having to clean up the disaster afterwards, i get to talk to friends, and kids are beat when we get home...and then i don't feel as bad if they watch tv or play the wii for the rest of the day....

Korbi said...


Samantha said...

I feel this way all the time. Especially with having twins, it was always such a production packing them up to go do something "fun," especially when they bawled the whole time- when I really could've just been at home reading a book instead!

Deborama said...

We plan to go this year for the first time in three years! The last time I was there I left after the life guard brought me my toddler for the 4th time. And a big kid was messing around and almost drowned Eric. Its so fun but you almost need one adult per child.

Jana said...

Variety is the spice of life so do both! You've already bought the pass so enjoy it. Just remember to pack all those fun treats.