Friday, May 28, 2010

Last day of Preschool and cabin time

We spent last weekend at the cabin in the light rain and dreary weather, but it was fun. I taught myself how to crochet, helped Stephen clean up the outside a little bit (He did a lot, I did not so much) and watched the kids get muddy and wet and then jump in the hot tub (AFTER they were clean Grandpa Bob!)This is a major work in progress. I think it's been 3 weeks now??? I will be quite glad when it's finished. I have the back sewn together and the grey on the sides, just need to put the batting in the middle...Who am I kidding? He still has another year of preschool...And although it took 30 minutes to get him into nice school clothes for his program (which he did not sing one song in) instead of his usual sweat pants and batman cape...
But another year of preschool finished, and what a year it was. It's hard teaching your own kid when you have 14 other kids that need your attention too. Next year, my plan is to stay home and "raise" Paisley and be that mom that drops her kid off at school and then picks him up... It might be pretty weird? We'll see... Happy Memorial Day weekend everyone! We have a parade tomorrow with the gym kids and my cheer girls, wonder if we'll get rained out?!?!


JimnAnne Ringle said...

Cute hair, Korbs! I can't believe how big your kids are getting!

The Peterson's said...

Thanks for the schooling advice. We decided to hold him back months ago and now I am just worring all over again. I am that crazy mom! Best of luck next year with the drop off and pick up thing. I must admit...I miss McCoy terribly while he is away at school for those three hours, but some is really my saving grace and keeps me from beating the poor kid. LOL. Ok maybe not funny but true! He is such a fun kid, but has soooo much energy and ya know, I think we just all need a break somedays. I remember reading your posts about you being worried about Becks behavior and I think he will do well next year. You both will, a break may be just what you too need. McCoy is a lot nicer to me when he has been away from me for a couple of hours hee hee.