Friday, October 8, 2010

Soccer Games

Even though I have decided to take the year off from teaching (I am only coaching 1 hour of cheer a week, even though I have subbed many times this year in the classroom and gym already... no complaints! I LOVE teaching and coaching, I just wanted a year off from total commitment ya know!?!?!) I feel as though we are just as busy busy! Taking Beck to and from school takes up a BUNCH of time... insert "Welcome to my life as a taxi driver" comments here... And one reason why we have been super on the go is Soccer. (feel free to insert; "I told you so" and "oh yeah, we have dance, soccer, baseball, football, track, AND the FFA club" comments here, I may not read them though ;)
All that aside; Meet my son the HAM!!Seriously... his ENTIRE first game was spent purposely falling on the ground to get a rise out of coaches and giggles out of fellow team mates... Silly kid. Good thing I am not too fond of soccer anyway right? ;) Here is the one time he actually did kick the ball. Proud mommy moment, crappy picture, gosh darn it...
Game #2 went much better. Too bad Stephen was out of town and he missed it. But Beck kept more with his team and his coach made him a deal to "see how long you can stand up" type of thing. Not fool proof, but it worked a bit. His coaches are incredibly patient and good people. Poor things had no idea what they were getting into I'm afraid. Having watched on the sidelines, I think that it is safe to say that I may never coach little tot soccer. And actually I'm not qualified to teach anyone older either, so I'm good... :)

1 comment:

Tiffany Fackrell said...

i am pretty sure Beck and Cambree got together sometime in the preexistance and made some sort of pact...ya know to be hams, and do everything they can to get attention. and perfected their pretend to trip/fall on the ground techniques. I am pretty sure that is what happened!! HAHAHA