Friday, February 11, 2011

Stuck in Burley, Idaho. Came to visit my mom and was sposed to leave on Thursday, but decided to stay an extra day. Wednesday night after Becks birthday dinner/party with the family at AL's Pizza I started having stomach pain. It was constant and would not let up. Not incredibly painful, but super annoying. :) The next day (Thursday) still stomach pain but then later that night, aches and nausea and dizziness
And major chills. Threw up and then stomach pain made me make my sister take me into the ER around seven. I had never gone to the ER before except when in labor with Paisley. Took all night to find out what was wrong. First the ER dr thought it was appendicitis, but I didn't think it was because I thought it would have hurt more. Then they thought ectopic pregnancy or ovarian cysts and twisted ovary or pelvic infection. So they checked me into the hospital at about 6 in the morning (after Stephen had sat in a little plastic chair all night and I got stabbed with needles, a pelvis exam, an ultra sound, and had to drink this NASTY stuff in order to get a ct scan done) my high blood count of 16,000 and low blood pressure and fever told them it wasn't just gas. :) so they narrowed it down to pelvic infection and after looking at ct results, a twisted and untwisted right ovary that is the size of a tennis ball with many cysts that showed up on the ultrasound and ct scan. All the cysts are probably from
The clomid (fertility drug) that I have been taking and is quite common. I am on antibiotics for infection and have been waiting in hospital all day to see the OB Dr again. He came around 5:00 and I have to stay another night and they will check blood count and take another pregnancy test in morning. And make sure I don't need surgery, as long as blood count comes down ad pain lessens. He doesn't think it was a pelvic infection because you get that by sexually transmitted diseases. And thank heavens we're both faithful right?!?! I had a good laugh about that one. I asked the OB why the ER dr and nurses didnt tell me that last night about sexually transmitted diseases and he said they wanted him to do it, they were embarrasssed.
:) My right ovary is the size of a tennis ball with many cysts on it when it would normally be the size of an almond. He says every woman has cysts, but they normally rupture and take care of themselves, but my cysts haven't ruptured and just keep growing larger and then he says the right ovary twisted and then twisted back. Risk of it twisting again and if it twists then go to hospital they have to do surgery to twist it back or it will die. So no jumping on tramp, no off roading, no jumping around or cheerleading. In 6 weeks after taking a break from the clomid I will go get another ultrasound with my Dr in Spokane to make sure ovary has shrunken back down to normal size and if not, then surgery happens. I am confident that after taking a break from the clomid it will be fine. We are sposed to be leaving for New York on Tuesday morning super early and the OB said it's bad timing. It will just be uncomfortable, but I still want to go, but will just take it easy. And maybe knit and read books in the hotel room :)
On a happy note, my nurse went and bought me a Mountain Dew! Yeah!


Crystal said...

I'm sorry Korbi that sounds so awful. Hope you feel better quickly.

Lena Gilbert said...

Hey Korbi-
That sucks, I am sorry. I hope you got some nice nurses and that Steven is being super nice to you and has agreed to let you paint your house whatever color you want:). Feel better soon!

Black Family said...

oh man korb....i hate the hospital....have spent way too much time there...thinking of you!

Sara said...

get better korbi!!!!!

Tiffany Fackrell said...

so sorry to hear all this. I hope you get better soon, and pray you will be able to enjoy yourself in New York. what a bummer deal. Here's to getting out of that place soon and feeling better FAST!

Neighbor Jane Payne said...

Korbi, get well soon. New York needs you.

Kona & Jared Harper said...

Korbi I am so sorry to hear about you visit. I totally know what you mean with the clomid. I have been on it for 6 months and I am taking a break. Good luck gilr. Hope all works out and I hope you have a fun trip to New York!! :)

stephen said...

nothing like a blog post on ovaries!

Shaila Lou said...

Yuck Korbi!! I'm so sorry, that does not sound fun. I can see why you told me to never take clomid! I hope I'll never have to, that's for sure.