Saturday, February 5, 2011

Today was the little man's birthday party down at AIM Gymnastics. We got lucky and had lots of family and friends join us. Stephen had to go set up for church meetings, so he was a little late, but the kids were just playing and running around, so he didn't miss much. I think that everyone had fun at least!
At Wal-Mart they are having their 50% off clothing clearance sale and I got all the little boys at the party Lego Batman t-shirts, Beck also received one as a gift too! Adam Wiseman, Roman Jenks, Ashton Pruneda, Jackson Mohs, and Beck. They are now officially their little Lego Batman Gang. Beck could seriously play Lego Batman ALL DAY. When I had strep two weeks ago that's pretty much what he did.... :)
We had Dominoes pizza...
A pinata...
and cake and sherbet ice cream. I forgot just about everything from the knife to cut the cake, matches, and an ice cream scoop, AND the cake, AND the ice cream, AND the boy's shirts. But the Wiseman's who live by us and came to party went to our house and got everything. Yeah for neighbors and friends!
And of course Beck got the piece with the blue balloon. :) I can't believe that my baby is 5! I think that 5 if a tough age for moms, it's like they are finally not babies anymore. (I realize that even when he was 3 he wasn't a baby anymore) But I feel like he's always been MY BABY! And now he starts Kindergarten next year? No way! It's really weird....
Party guests singing Happy Birthday to Beck!
I made him blow out the candles twice, so I could get a picture that wasn't blurry...
My little birthday Chancho. I realize that "Chancho" means dirty, pig in some cultures, but to me it's "fat young boy," and when Beck was little he was big. Born at 8 lbs 13 oz, I was surprised at how big his thighs were, so I call him Chancho. Now he's so tiny I think that it's funny. There are some from other cultures that don't think its too funny, oops...
Beck's favorite part the presents. He got lots of Lego sets, a huge bag of popcorn, Batman jammies, cars, mini skateboard toy, a Nerf gun, and the Bumblebee car complete with Sam. He's been asking for this for about 2 years now... ;)
All of the kids in attendance....Oh my baby boy!!! Makes me so heart sick. His fun little personality (mixed with anger and tantrums of course) his jokes and how he thinks he's so funny.... And he is so DANG CUTE!!! SeriouslyOur little boy is growing up... tear.... sniffle sniffle...


Jana said...

Happy Birthday Beck! I remember what a big baby he was - always wondered how something that big could come out of something that small. Looks like he (and everyone else) had a great time!

twylla said...

Glad you had such a great Birthday and such good friends to come and spoil Moms little man a little more Oh well that is life in the fast lane they grow up so fast and are not babies for very long glad you had such a great time. Happy birthday

mackyton said...

Having great time with kids on their birthdays is all we mothers want. Arranged a gala celebration on my twin daughters' birthday last year. Booked one of the best event space Atlanta for the fun and enjoyment. Dinner was exotic and cake designs were praised by all got. My dolls got precious love and blessings from all guests.

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