Wednesday, January 4, 2012

The kids went back to school today. Paisley only has today of this week since she normally goes Monday and Wednesday, but winter break was still on Monday. It was sharing day for both of them and they took a toy and also a picture of Penelope. Paisley didn't really mind going back to school, but Beck was another story. He whines all morning. They both whined about getting up, but Beck continued to whine and even burst into tears and was screaming to stay with me when Ivy, the friend I car pool, With picked them up. She just drove away and shooed me into the house. She called later and said he had calmed down a mile or so down the road. He came home fine and his teachers said he was fine, but it sure does break my heart...

1 comment:

Jana said...

That is a very sad face that Beck is making and even Paisley doesn't look to happy. They should've been excited for show n tell since they had such big news - although I'm sure the toy was just as exciting to them. Hopefully it goes better today.