Saturday, February 21, 2009

The dentist and Cabin Fun

On Wednesday I took Beck in to the dentist, while we were there he looked at Paisley's two teeth as well. Beck was pretty terrified and it didn't help that I kept saying that "tomorrow we go to the dentist," today we go to the dentist..." But I didn't want to surprise him, so I kept telling him about it and trying to warn him. The last time we went it didn't go so well and they had to pin him down to get the fluoride on him, so I brought him back thinking we'd get X-rays or something, but nope, the dentist says his teeth are far enough spaced that he's OK. The last gal that we saw took FO-R-EV-ER and Beck was like, "ok, I am so done with this." But this guy was like in, out, Bam! we were done in like 5 minutes Much better. My friend Kellee gave him this little flashlight and was showing him how the dentist will look in his mouth and that Beck can use his flashlight to look at the dentist and that was a lifesaver, thanks Kellee!!!

Stephen and I went up to the cabin for the weekend leaving on Thursday and arriving back tonight. We had fun just hanging out, not doing much in particular, me knitting, him playing on his IPhone, Paisley crawling around and learning how to crawl up the stairs, and Beck trying to get us to play "bad tiger" with him and watching movies. We went on a walk and looked for "reindeer," only to find their poop and Beck got to pee in the snow for the first time. Beck kept saying, "yep, the reindeer just poop, they poop right there in the snow." Paisley is a gangsta girl....

This is Beck dancing for me, he even had wipes for props to dance with. He always dances when I am "blogging" because the music comes on from people's blogs. When he doesn't like a song he lets me know that he wants a faster one.


twylla said...

Glad that Becks trip to the dentist was a quick one. Maybe that willl help for the next visit. Glad you had a relaxing time at the cabin. Sounds like a home affair. The kids are so cut and growing up so fast. Love you all

Monkeys ARDently In Sinc said...

Guess what? You are still my ONLY comment on my Pay it Forward. I suck!
Luv the video of Beck dancing. He's so cute!

Kelley Gubler said...

don't ya just love those dentists visits?

tiff said...

so jealous you didn't take us with you.... Beck looks likes he has had some serious lessons at that dancing thing. You been dancing during the day? Tell him I love it!!!!

Kelley Gubler said...

nope...not twins. always wished i was. (don't think my parents do)but we get that alot.

Nat & Joe said...

How old is Beck? I was hoping not to take my kids to the dentist till they are at least 5! cutest kids ever.

Gentry Family said...

I haven't checked your blog for a while, and I caught a little line that said you were knitting. I want to see pictures of stuff you knit!

Mrs. V said...

I'm here because you won the scaps from Dana, great gal. I love the picture of your daughter at the dentist. Let me tell you what I see in this photo...there is a medical dude with gown, gloves and mask on touching a little girl. Gee, she must be a really infectious glob of horrendous stuff.....and to think you touch her with no gloves on. So funny. She's all dressed up in her Sunday best with adorable head band and everything....and this guy is not going to touch her for the life of him. My son-in-law is in dental school so I know how it goes.
Cute kids you have, enjoy the scraps.
yvonne in Georgia