Tuesday, July 29, 2008

I Never Knew

I have never really liked the Winnie the Pooh character, or Mickey Mouse shirts or Pluto slippers. I didn't really understand why people would dress their children in these characters, I thought it was silly. I am not trying to attack anyone's character, I just don't really like "character" clothes. It's fine if you don't like rainbows or you think that scrapbooking is for weirdos, I don't mine, but I love it! So anyways, I was totally against this character charade and dressing your children in it or doing their whole room in a Mickey Mouse theme, but then along came Beck. My litt;e man, my little Lightening McQueen lover. He calls them Queens. There are Mama Queens and Daddy Queens, they are his "Ween cars." and he loves them. Of course it started out with the movie, but has moved on to his apparel, his pillowcase, pillows, socks, the cars at Wal-Mart that are $2.97, and yes, I do search for the ones that he has not collected yet. Like the infamous Mater that took me forever to find and my mom found one in Burley and sent it to him. I get giddy when I find Lightning McQueen silverware or water bottles or Car crayons from Target. I don't know when it really started, but I know that Christmas last year was a big thing because I found a whole bunch of $1.00 Car stuff at Target and stocked up. Beck also enjoys Thomas the tank engine trains and has collected quite a few of them as well. I always ask him what he wants to wear and he says "Ween!" (Lightening McQueen shirt) He has two Queen T-shirts, one that actually lights up and a tank top courtesy of our friend Jessica. He used to want to carry his Queen cars around with him everywhere, so I made him a bag out of Cars material to put them in and it says "Beck's Queens" on it. So that brings me to this crayon wrap that I made today that a friend posted a tutorial on our Craft Blog. I used the left over material from his Queen bag I had previously made, which started my sewing addiction by the way. When I gave it to him he said, "Ween!" and he didn't even know what it was. Then as he was unrolling it he said, "Wow..." Yeah, he likes it, go me! I am the coolest mom ever and my name is Korbi and I am a "Character" lover because it makes my boy smile.......

Monday, July 28, 2008

Getting ready, AGAIN!....

I got released as the Young Women's Secretary, sad, but excited to see what my next calling is. I'm kind of hanging up in the air because I've never not had a calling before. After getting married I have always had 2 or 3 callings, so if I got released from one I always had another one to do. So we'll see what I get! After church we just hung around. I took some pictures of Paisley in her cute church dress and then changed her and took some more pics, just for fun. I love all the accessories. It's hard to pick what she is going to wear. There's bracelets, binky holders, bows, frilly socks, it never ends and it's all so fun! So late afternoon Beck started going through the stuff that I've been collecting at the front door to take to the cabin. He found his floaty and then some goggles and his lifejacket. I thought it was so funny and let him keep adding stuff to his attire and I was talking about swimming. It was actually kind of mean of us, because he really thought that we were going to go swimming. But then he started saying swimming. Those of you who know him know that he doesn't talk very much, well, he talks, but you can't understand a whole bunch of it, but it was so very cute that I had to get a video. And even though it was Sunday we decided to let him "swim" in the hot tub because we had instigated it! :) So as you can tell by all the stuff piling up at the front door we are getting ready to head out again. Back to the cabin. My cousin, Alexie, moved some stuff in with us today and will be all moved in by the end of the week, and I felt bad that she was greeted at the front door by this! Yikes she's probably thinking, but, you get what ya get, I guess.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Ruben or Dorothy?

He raised $218.03 walking around and people putting money in his basket.

Relay for Life in Othello

Last night we stayed the night in Othello for the Relay for Life. We had a booth that Aunt Lilly was "Team Captain" of called Victory for Verella. Verella was Stephen's Grandma who passed away in 2000 from cancer. She is Ann's mom. Bob, Stephen's dad, and Jack, his uncle, are cancer survivors. They had the Survivors walk the first lap and gave them a medal. It was cool to see all the purple survivor shirts and pretty emotional. It's weird how you never really think about something until it happens to you or your family and then you get all involved and try and make things better. So it's a good and a bad thing. After the Survivor's lap they had the groups take a lap together and a lot of the Yorgesens and most of the Ashtons and Gilberts were there. Beck was obsessed with the Giant Carebears walking around and wouldn't really leave them alone. He kept going up and "tapping" them from behind until they'd turn around and hug him or say hi and then he'd do it again and again. I felt bad, but I guess they get paid, or they knew what they were volunteering for. :) Beck wasn't too sure about his Uncle Ruben dressed as Dorothy for the Mr. Relay, as you can tell by the look on his face. Ruben looked good and played the part well. Stephen and I were signed up to walk from 2-3 AM and then after that I was zonked out. Paisley actually slept really well for her first time sleeping in a tent outside with music blaring all night long. It took Beck about an hour after I laid him down at 11 to get to sleep because it was so loud. He kept covering his ears and saying, "mama, WOUD!" It was pretty cute. The music was really loud, I felt bad for him. But he did eventually get to sleep and slept OK. I got up about 7 I think and walked for a bit more and then again at 8. Tiffanni and a few others were up all night taking turns walking because we had a few family members not show up for they shift. Oops. All in all it was a fun time with good memories. And guess how much little Old Othello raised for Cancer Research?? Just guess.... $102,000. Isn't that crazy?

Friday, July 25, 2008

Teething and Thank yous

Paisley has her hands in her mouth all the day every day. The drool just doesn't stop. It's hard to think that she's this old already. I can't imagine my baby girl with teeth already. We were at the pool the other day and her shirt was SOAKED! Not from the pool water, but from the drool running out of her mouth. I always hate to cover up her cute little outfits with a bib....

This is a BIG Thank you going out to my hubby whom yes, we are still happily married in answer to some of the worrisome comments from my mowing the lawn post. :) He finished his little project on my garden! He went and got the pea pebbles this morning to put down on the path and look how nice it looks! Now I just wish I had more of a garden.... Not much grew as you can tell. I've got beans, little pumpkins, big pumpkins, corn, carrots, and zuccinni. And you see that life saver down there? That's a gate to the last part of my fence. And it is a glorious thing!

A funny story about Beck: for the last little while he has been saying "butt" a lot. I can't think where he got it because I always say bum or "sit on your bottom" rarely does butthead come flying out of my mouth, so I have been blaming Kortni and she denies it. So a little bit ago we were outside and the sprinkler got me wet and I said, "oops, mommy wet." and Beck started laughing and said, "mommy butt! Mommy butt!" And it occurred to me that this whole time he has been trying to say wet and then it all started to make sense. Because he'd say " mommy me butt" and pat his diaper, but really he was telling me he was wet! HAha! And now I know.......

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Memory Lane

Here are the rules:

1. As a comment on my blog, leave a memory that we had together. It can be a memory with just Stephen or just with Korbi or with both of us. It doesn't matter if you know us a little or a lot, anything you remember. We would love to hear it!

2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty fun to see the responses.

Taxes suck

So now that I do payroll down at the gym, I am stuck doing the taxes as well. And for the record, I have no idea what I am doing! It's all these forms and equations and all I see is money flying out the window! Every number that I enter I just keep my fingers crossed that it's the right one and someone's not going to come and cuff me and throw me in jail! My fingers hurt from punching in numbers, my eyes hurt from staring at the screen, and my brain hurts because, well, I never have understood math! AND I have to do it all over again in 3 months!

Monday, July 21, 2008

It's Stephen's way or the highway

I love him, oh I do, but sometimes, is he really such an idiot? Bless his heart.....
Did you know that there is a right and a wrong way on how to mow a lawn? My way is the wrong way.
Did you know that there is a right and a wrong way to load a dishwasher? My way is also wrong on that one too. Who does the dishes? I do, but I load the dishwasher wrong. The bowls gotta go on top I guess, even though we go through way more sippy cups and those need to be on top, and if the bowls are up there then there isn't enough room for the sippys, well, in my book anyway. But obviously I've been doing it wrong.
Did you know that you have a to add dryer sheet in with your laundry and it helps keep static at bay? Man, imagine. (read sarcasm) Oh, and I shrink laundry too, but only Stephen's and only if he's been wearing it for years and it's been washed a thousand times, I shrunk it, it was me. (insert sarcasm again)
Did you know that there is a right and a wrong way to iron a shirt? Yep, right again, even if it gets ironed, my way is the wrong one.
Did you know that there is a right and a wrong way to load paper into a printer? Geez, that's weird.
Imagine all these things that I've been doing wrong for YEARS! Weird, how it all still got done though huh? And you see all those straight lawns on that freshly mowed lawn? I did that, and the grass is shorter too because it got mowed!!! But obviously it got mowed the wrong way. Bless his heart the idiot. :)

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Rainbow "fireworks" Dress

Thank you to my twin sister, Jakobi, for this adorable dress. I saw it at Wal-Mart a while ago and was upset that they only had one and it was size 6/9 months. I was thinking that I could buy it anyway and use it as a Fall/Winter dress and put a white shirt under it and have Paisley wear it with tights, but I REALLY REALLY REALLY wanted it as a cute summer dress. As anyone knows I love rainbows and rainbow colors, I know, some think I'm weird and yes, Rainbow Bright was one of my favorite toys growing up. But anyways, I decided to buy it anyway, so I head back to Wal-Mart and it was GONE! Dangit. Why did they only have one? I thought about calling around to other stores and trying to find it again. Then a month or 2 later my sister Jakobi is talking to me and telling me about this "fireworks" dress she bought for Paisley at a yard sale. I told her that she already had a 4th of July outfit, but we'd be happy to take it anyways. So she shows up at our Treehouse family reunion with a Wal-Mart bag with a Lightning McQueen pillow for Beck and THIS dress! The very one AND in the correct size! Can you believe it? I was so excited. It was missing a button, but I think that she only bought it for a buck! Isn't it cute? And now it's one of my favorites, don't be surprised if you see her in it more than once or twice in a week, even though her closet if bursting with clothes!

Beck LOVES the Boat

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Cabin Week

Beck, Paisley, and Korbi on Paisley's first boat ride.
Beck and Kylie and the infamous "bue gogos" that she let him borrow until I could find him some of his own.
Beck and his new favorite "bue dishy gogos" that I got lost and drove to 3 different stores looking for. They had to be blue and we were just lucky enough to find blue ones that were fishies!
Korbi, Beck, and Marinda on the tube.
Korbi, Beck, and Rylee on the tube.

My wonderful and oh so gracious Mother in Law was kind enough to let me and my kids tag along with her to their cabin in Priest Lake AGAIN! We had a great time playing and tubing on the boat. Beck was brave and went out of the wake and actually got going pretty fast on the tube! He laughed when we went on little bumps, but he didn't like it too much when the water kept spraying him in the face. Paisley enjoyed her first boat ride and being held by every one. Beck had a fun time fishing. Grandpa Bobby Boy went and bought 3 kid's fishing poles. Luckily one of them lost the string and hook, so I let Beck play with that one. He'd stick the pole in the water and bring it out and say "dishy?" and I'd grab the end of it in my hands and pull off a leaf or something that looked fishish that I had hid in my hand and say, "yep, fishy!" and he'd grab it and throw it back in the water. We played this game for a LONG time. There was a real fish that we could see from the dock that sat in the same spot guarding eggs or something because it never moved and Beck would sit and stare at it and get all excited. It was a nice vacation, but hard at the same time. Chasing Beck around, making sure he had his life jacket on, carrying Paisley as I chase him down the dock. Everyone is real nice and helps at any chance, but I really did need that nap we all took on Thursday for 2 1/2 hours. Makes me wish that he's nap every day! It was a nice week and we are glad to be back, bags, unpacked, and some laundry done and a gate to our fence! Did ya read that part?? A gate! I have been crossing my fingers for WEEKS! Even months, and all through the winter, WE HAVE A GATE TO OUR FENCE! One side had always been gated in, but not the side where my garden is and now we have a gate. Some friends, Rory and Dallas, came over today and helped Stephen finish it and our brother-in-law Brandon came and hauled off some old wood Stephen had been hanging on to, so THANK you Brandon and Rory and Dallas. I am so excited! I can't wait to not have to follow Beck around the corner and try to convince him to stay in the backyard, now he CAN'T get out. Poor kid, he's not gonna be so happy about this, but I say, whatever keeps my sanity is worth it. :)
PS Bobby Boy and Grandma Ann, Beck says he's sorry for writing on the window sill with purple crayon and slicing the window screen with a knife....

Monday, July 14, 2008

Leaving Again

Well, me and the kids are taking off again. Did I just write kidS? Wow, I have a plural number now, that's weird. ;) Anyways we are heading up to the cabin for a week. Maybe we'll be back by Saturday. I just looked over to my right and Beck magically appeared on the kitchen counter. Man, that kid is getting bigger and faster. :) Well, have a good week and we'll blog when we get back of course.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Oops, I did it again....

Alright, I messed up again and deleted my "widgets!" Argh! So now all my blog addresses are gone. I added a few on the side and hopefully I can get to everyone's from there, so I don't have to retype them all in again and risk losing them AGAIN! S if you don't think that I can get to your blog from someone elses' ie. my sister's or Bethany's, etc, please let me know what your blog address is again. Like the Villareals and Smoky and Tamara and Kayla Hall and Rachel..... and also Jim and Anne's and Karen's which are private, I need ya to e-mail me again. Sorry everyone for making ya do this again, hopefully I will just be satisfied with the background that I have! And maybe Paisley's cute smiling face will make up for my frustration!

Friday, July 11, 2008

Glad to be Home

As you can tell (Scroll down to view all 3 slideshows!) we had a great time, but we are glad to be home. We got home about 11 last night after sleeping in 5 different beds, 3 hotels, 1 treehouse, I want to say 1000's of miles driven, some out in the middle of no where!
We first went to Evanston, Wyoming for the Sims Family Reunion and Uncle Dick and Aunt Charlsie's Ranch. We stopped and stayed in Burley to break up the trip and squeezed in a visit to my Grandpa Beck, who is doing okay, my dad goes over to his house a lot and makes him breakfast and takes him to lunch. Then on to Wyoming and horse back rides, 4-wheelers, jewelry making, camping (for Stephen and Beck) a talent show and some Wyoming fireworks, Paisley's first! Beck was a little annoyed with the loud noises, but other than that they both stayed awake the whole time. It was fun to meet this side of the family, it's Stephen's Dad's Mom, Lois's side. Uncle Dick is Lois's brother, she passed away while Stephen was in high school.
Then on to Oregon with a stay in Klamath Falls and then meeting up with my family and finishing the trip. Our treehouse was so cute, a little small, but cute. We were surrounded by hippies which gave us all something to talk about and it was so fun to have all of the family there, Bubba was missing due to work in Seattle, and boy did we miss him, he would have had some great things to say about our surroundings! There was a little pool that was lots of fun and Beck was working on his swimming. We visited the Oregon caves and the rest of the family went to the Redwood Forest while we stayed behind and played. Beck kept walking around looking for his cousins, but I didn't want to get back in a car for more hours than I had to! (We have already visited the Redwoods) Us girls attended a Belly Dancing class which was definitly something everyone should try at least once in their life! After our stay at the treehouses was over we headed to Portland, so Stephen could grab some appts there. We stayed in a hotel next to Brandon and Kortni and their girls, and that kept Beck happy as we swam and they ran back and forth to each other's rooms.
And now we are home, I have 2 more loads of laundry to do, a bunch of sleep to catch up on, one more bag to unpack, and my garden to check on, but for the few hours I did sleep last night, I was sure glad that it was in my own bed!

Oregon Treehouses Beck Christmas in July

Crater Lake, Oregon

Sims Reunion Evanston, Wyoming

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Headed out (AGAIN)

We are leaving today for Wyoming, a reunion on Stephen's dad's side. Then on Saturday we will leave for Oregon, drive all day, stay the night somewhere and then hopefully meet everyone of my family at the treehouses. It should be a long and joyous week. Yep, 5 states in one week, and the answer is, yes, we are crazy. :)