Monday, March 9, 2009


Please watch this... sooo funny and a lot how I feel right now... I have probably blogged about this before, but I have been having a tough time with a few people right now. Mostly those younger than me. I am trying not to chastise, because there are quite a few things in life that I to have taken for granted, so let me get started. #1 People older than me deserve respect: whether I am smarter, richer, poorer, have more teeth than, drive a white car or a small car, whether they work at McDonald's or I work at McDonalds and they come thru the drive thru, they deserve respect, whether they have wronged me, cut me off, or given me the wrong change, they deserve respect. I am amazed at the younger people who disregard me or others as nothing. I have seen younger people walk past an old lady in the parking lot struggling to push her shopping cart thru the slush and snow and laugh and point!!! Outraged I tramp over there with my kids in tow and I too struggle to help her as they continue to laugh. I am not saying I am a saint, far from, but respect people, at least I have the common decency to show respect! In running the gym/school with my sister I come across so many people/kids, okay I'll just say it, teenagers that show up late, back talk to me, and other adults, parents, kids, text and talk on their cell phone at work, I mean come on! You are being PAID to work, not talk to your friends. We are a very relaxed work environment, but seriously? I will admit to not being the most angelic teenager, but when I was at one of my jobs I showed so much respect for what I did and my superiors, and I EARNED my paycheck, I did not expect it to be handed to me. Don't get me wrong there are many kids out there who are great kids, I have had teenage boys open doors for me, and chase Beck down in the parking lot for me, great girls who watch my kids while I attend the temple, not all of them are inconsiderate, but I need some convincing on the other half of this rising generation..... So here's to all the "Yes mams" and "yes Sirs," you rock and I appreciate your kindness and willingness to be a great asset to this world and to the other half, get your head out of your bum, you have to earn this world or us older folks just might develop a drug to live longer and then we are going to keep it....
So onto a lighter note, we received a wonderful package from my parents, Maimi Dawn and Papa Goose. The spent almost 2 weeks in New Orleans and got lots of good loot. Beck loves his tools that he got


Black Family said...

That is too cute! I was so bummed we did not get to see more of you guys when we were there....Jake was so sick. I love Beck with the hair piece....too cute!

Hey have a did you get the savior picture link added to your blog?


Jana said...

You are too funny - you sound like a little old lady. You realize you aren't much older than a teen! But I must admit - you have very good manners. You always email me a thank you when I send something and I want you to know how much I appreciate that!

hennchix said...

Amen Korbi!! I have been after this for years. My folks always made me call older relatives aunt/uncle so and so, get my fanny out of a chair for my elders, open doors for them, etc. I have followed their example with my neices and nephews, and taken a lot of ribbing/complaining for it. I say- where did common courtesy go? My generation has failed many of the teens of today. This texting thing drives me bananas,too, and my son is one of the worst. But I won't give up if it kills me.

Kelley Gubler said...

Aww...New Orleans is my hometown. Those pics made me miss it...

Jess said...

Great post, Well said!!!

Sommers said...

I hear you!!!! You are not the only one out there. Man have time changed for the worse in some area's.

That Girl said...

Those beads look waaaay too much fun!

Most of the teens I know are wonderful - so courteous and respectful and strong members of the church.

Others, not so much.

Kortni said...

Just so you know, AT TIMES, I do respect you....

twylla said...

Boy Korbi. I think you should sent that piece to all schools in your area and the newspaper. It is time our younger generation learned what the word WORK means and the RESPRCT they are two words that most of the youth have not learned or have forgotten. Please send it to the schoolks and paper. I am old but it is nice even if a yound person speaks to me in a kind voice. The world can be a hard place abut if we all work together tomake it a better place we can solve a lot of the problems