Monday, January 12, 2009

Last Night

Last night sucked, I mean like really sucked. I lost count, but then I was trying to recount it in my head because I was so upset. I went downstairs like 4 times to get things, I woke up maybe 13-14 times to calm Beck down, wipe his nose, make sure he didn't throw up from coughing so hard, get Pais her binky/bottle and/or convince her to take one or the other instead of cry, I switched beds a total of 5 times... all in all it was just a no good, terrible, bad night.


Alisha Wilkins said...

Nights like those are NO FUN! Sorry it was so rough! Hopefully things will start to turn the corner and you ALL will be able to sleep again!

Jess said...

I'm so sorry Korbi :( Hopefully they will let you nap today??? Sick kids are no fun :( Hope tonight is better.

Teri said...

So, my kids are sick too and I totally know how you feel!!! I got in bed with Taybree 3 times last night because she would cough so hard and start yelling for me to wipe her nose, THEN...Tyce woke up 2 different times, once because the antibiotic for his ear infections make him have those naSty diapers...and once because he was just screaming his head off. Who needs sleep anyway?! Right?!!!

I think we need a girls night... After we catch up on our much needed sleep! Let me know if you need anything!

Kristen said...

I don't want to sound too cheesy, but my heart goes out to you Korbi! Is Stephen out of town? I hope the peanuts are on the mend soon!

Cederberg Family said...

Dang it! I hate those kind of nights! I hope it gets better!

Neighbor Jane Payne said...

You're right. Not one fun thing about a night like that....except naps.