Thursday, January 22, 2009


Paisley had her 9 month well child check up (She is actually 9 1/2 months) but it has been concluded that she is well, small. :) Here's her stats:
16 lbs 7 ounces; 5-10 percentile

26 1/4 inches long; 5-10 percentile

head circumference is 18 inches; 75-90 percentile

Bigger their head, the bigger their brain right?

At this stage she can crawl, and is getting faster
Pull herself up next to the bathtub, coffee table... etc...
Say mama, dada, and babble a bunch of other incoherent things
Eats and loves food; tried spaghetti noodles for the first time last night
Has two teeth on the bottom
Drinks from her bottle and loves it
Sleeps all night (finally!)
Really loves Cheerios


Crystal said...

She is so adorable. Her size is very close to Olivia's. Don't you just love this age.

Anonymous said...

I just met a baby who is 3 months and 15 pounds. Can you imagine carrying that around!? She is your precious LITTLE angel!

Jess said...

YAY for sleeping!!! :)

Cassidy said...

My Meg is almost 18 lbs!! Wow. I say enjoy her. I love my chubs, but man, petite babies are soooo cute. Plus she gets to wear her cute outfits longer, right? And your friend is right, be happy you aren't carrying around a heavy girl. Paisley is so adorable. I can't believe she's already 9 months.

The Peterson's said...

What a cutie Patatootie! Is she feeling better now? Hope so! Love that smile!

twylla said...

Oh she is so sweet such a lilttle angle. I am glad that she is so active it keeeps Mom on the move. Kids learn so much each day their litttle brains must be going ninety miles an hour. Hope Beck is better.