Sunday, January 4, 2009

The long lost pictures from the last few posts...

On our way up to the cabin on Tuesday the 23rd we were packed to the brim. I took this picture before we had even made it to Costco and stashed in some more groceries. If my husband wasn't the Tetris "master packer" champion there is no way that we would have made it.The day after we arrived we went sledding. We were the only ones up there until later that night when Stephen's sister, Tiffanni, her family and Bob and Ann arrived. Paisley just stared at the snow, I don't think that she could move very well anyways with all her snow stuff on. Beck only sledded like 4 days of the 2 weeks we were up there. He didn't like it as much as he did last year. It was nice because we didn't have to drive anywhere to find sledding hills, we made some right by the cabin.Beck and Paisley Christmas Eve 2008
My little snow baby, Paisley Yes, Paisley did go sledding and Beck held onto "my baby" very tight.
Christmas morning we woke at 7 AM because Kylee and Josh (niece and nephew) couldn't wait any longer. I admit that it was not very early and was quite happy with the wake up time. Pais liked her Cabbage Patch doll that Santa left for her.Beck was pretty awnry at first, he doesn't like to get woken up, mostly he didn't want to stay in his pajamas, but I wanted Christmas morning pictures of him in his new jammies, so now I have Christmas morning pictures with frowning faces, but cute p.j.'s. hmmm. my bad.
This is what Paisley looked like after a few presents, like, "hmmm, what is all this? Why is everyone so loud? This paper tastes good...."After a bit Beck sure did warm up and really LOVED ripping open the wrapping paper. When it was all over he kept looking for more presents to unwrap.Paisley in her Christmas morning elf pj's. Cutie-pat-tootie. Paisley and her very first Christmas!
While there Paisley got her VERY FIRST TOOTH!This was the first time that I actually referred to her as cranky. She is getting the 2nd one as well and she has continued on in her crankiness.New Year's Eve Beck had a temp of 103. Way to bring in the New Year huh?Our cute little family and the New Year 2009. Yes, I said cute, minus, Beck's mean face and my helmet hair (yes, I need a hair cut)Now that we are home and unpacked and I need to get downstairs to get the tree undecorated and down, not to mention school tomorrow, pay roll due, Christmas decor down, switch car stuff( Stephen bought a new car and I am going to have his) clean, clean, clean, Dr appts this week and Beck to the dentist again, wish us luck!!!! Yesterday Paisley turned 9 months and here is her cute little always smiling (unless she has teeth coming in) face.
*Crawl (slowly, but surely)
*two bottom teeth growing in
* first word; dadadadadad :)
* loves to be carried around
* wants to eat what the big kids are eating
* is always trying to steal Beck's sippy cup
Following are some videos from the cabin of Paisley crawling, Stephen singing with the game RockBand, and Stephen sledding


Anonymous said...

What great pictures! I love the one of your snow baby! (Paisley) looks like you had fun, good-luck getting back into reality...

Anonymous said...

Oh my the 4th picture from the top of your baby girl is amazing. She is so beautiful and that is such a perfect picture. I love it. Your little boy is so cute too.

Monkeys ARDently In Sinc said...

I LOVE your little pink snow baby pic. What an adorable picture to blow up and put on your wall, except, wait, YOU DON'T HAVE ANY WALL SPACE LEFT!! LOL
Tell Stephen to keep his day job, and skip the singing.....

tiff said...

Wow.... Good pictures. You must have an awesome family to have that much fun. Stephen sleding video is pretty funny and then to watch him sing on Rock band.... That little dance he does is so Stephen.. Cute pictures

The Jones Family said...

love the sled video. The pictures are way cute. although i would argue that my hubby is the packing champ :) darn the temps and sick kids. otherwise it looks like you had way too much fun!!! ainslie

Bethany said...

I'm glad you had a fun Christmas. I love that video of Pais crawling. I can't believe she's already doing that. Man, they change so fast- she has more hair since the last time I saw her! Great pictures. It's easy to take good pictures when everyone's so good-looking :)

Deborama said...

I love all the pictures! Sorry Beck got sick, that stinks! It was so fun at the cabin! It was fun to play with you guys! And I made some calls and am working on step one of fixing the "exhaust" in my ??? "car"!??? :)

Black Family said...

Oh so fun!!! I love the sledding pics and video of stephen...made me smile!