Thursday, August 28, 2008

Funny funny haha

So you wanna hear something that's really funny? I found my camera right? and I stated that I needed a card reader to get my pictures off my friend's camera before I gave it back to her. The funny thing is that it is the same memory card for both cameras, so as another friend's hubby stated, "well, can't ya just put the card from the other camera in YOUR camera and get the pictures off using your camera?" HAHAHAHA! So thanks for all the offers on a card reader that I could borrow, but I guess some brains is all I needed. :) So here's a sampling of some of those pics from our last crazy couple of days.

As you can tell we had a lot of fun with Kortni's girls. :)
Hanna at her first day of school, we picked her up and we were actually EARLY! She said her first day was boring....
I have started bathing Paisley in the sink in our laundry room. She loves to sit up in her Bumbo in the water.


Kristen said...

Those Bumbos look like a dealio... I didn't know about them, or they didn't have them when my girls were little. They are a hot item these days. Glad your camera and card reader are functional and all is well, again. Cute pics...

Black Family said...

Oh love the new pics! That reminded me seeing Paisley in the bath....I have been looking for new fun stuff for the baby and found this thing called Spa baby is super should check it out...I think you would love it! Hope you guys are well!