Saturday, August 23, 2008

My favorite things.... in my house

I decided to do a little post (maybe more following) about me because in 5 years I wanna see what changes I have made. :) I am going to start with my favorite things in my house. Then in future posts, maybe things about me, or other stuff, but just me, because well, I am self centered and I wanna know what I was up to or what in the crap I was thinking AND I am the writer of this blog and due to recent events in my surroundings (funeral) maybe people (my kids) will want to have known more about me.

1) I love these little jars. I get them from family, but mostly yard sales and Good Wills. I have them all over my house and they hold, medicine, Q-tips, candy, decor, mostly anything. I just think they are so cool.2) I love my Mountain Dew, I quit drinking it and lasted about 3 weeks. I thought that it was making Paisley spit up more since I nurse her, but she still spits up, so I decided that it wasn't worth it. :) I used to drink Mountain Dew a lot in high school, then I switched to Pepsi for a bit after I was married, then when I was pregnant with Paisley the thought of Pepsi made me sick, so it was Mountain Dew that I craved and I haven't turned back. And it helps that I can stash it in my mini fridge that is in my room. :)3) I love these frames that line my stairs. I have a frame for each of us and our baby/toddler pictures. Mine has mostly pictures of me and my twin Jakobi, I don't think that we have many pictures of us by ourselves. I hope that I am able to find more when I get more kids. I got them from Costco (where I buy pretty much everything that is in my house) so I hope that they carry them again someday and then I can stock up.
4) My sister Britni sales Lia Sophia jewelry and I didn't realize how much that I like jewelry. I really didn't think that I did, but now i wear it every day! I used to only wear this necklace that Stephen got me in New Zealand and gave to me on our honeymoon. It's symbol means "eternity." It's pretty huh? and it's my favorite.5) Once again more pictures, these frames are also from Costco. They all hang above our entertainment center, but I like them so much because the top ones are pictures of each set of our grandparents and then our parents and then the big one in the middle is our family and on each side is our "bigger" extended family with parents, brothers, sisters, nieces, nephews. Family is just really important to me and I love to be surrounded by pictures of them to see how it all came together. I am reminded of the song/saying, "all because two people fell in love."6) One of my new favorite things is my coffee table and matching end table that I just recently got for my birthday! Yeah! We had an old one from our wedding that one of Stephen's friend's gave us. Stephen loved it, me not so much. I wanted one that would hold our photo albums and scrapbooks on a shelf, so that I could set them out for people to browse through more. 7) Yes, more pictures. The next two are photos that my friend Jenn took and I had put on canvas of my babies. I love to look at Beck's face on his first birthday of him and that cake. And I always want to remember Paisley and her "newborn" stage. If you have been to my house, you know how full my walls are of pictures, I just can't help it and I am kind of obsessed. But at least the subjects are cute right?8) I got these baskets at the Liquidation World that used to be here in Moses Lake. What can I say" They're cool, they're big, and they hold a lot of stuff.
Well, I guess that's it. There is TONS more in my house that I love, but I could only do so much. I just can't wait to go back and read this is a few years and laugh at my color choices on my walls, or think, "where in the heck did those big baskets go?" And oh how I pray that I don't lose that necklace that Stephen gave me. I am quite sentimental.


Brit said...

I love how you can do so many things. How much do you charge to rent out? How come you never showed me that necklace before? Good luck this first week of school. Love Maimi D

Anonymous said...

Hey I never knew that is where you got the necklace! I have seen it so many times and always wondered. I also love all your pictures. My favorite is of Beck and his cake. I haven't seen the one of paisley up close and personal yet....

Kristen said...

That was a good idea for a post. I love all of your pictures. I am not good at printing and putting up all of our pictures!:-(