Saturday, August 30, 2008

Chancho and the smell of ribbon

So we got a surprise at our BBQ we had last night with some friends. A friend down the street had an extra kitten on her hands since her older cat returned home from a week long hiatus and so she called to see if we wanted it and YES! of course we did. He looks just like our old Chancho and Beck couldn't be more thrilled. He carries it around and even send him down the slide. He walsk around carrying him, "My meow," he says. So we welcome another Chancho to the Ashton family.

This my friends is a grand sight. New ribbon and a whole box of it! And it was free! And it's beautiful! And it gives me the heeby jeebies! And it's so great to have wonderful friends who will give it to you! Thanks Jen....


Cederberg Family said...

I love ribbon!!!! That makes me excited for you!!! Cute new kitty!!

Ashton & Co. said...

I'm glad you found your camera! I love that pic of Beck with the Kitty and Paisley is just plain CUTE! Ribbon is my new best friend too...

melanie said...

I was thinking it was another Chanco for you. Is this 2 or 3 cats with the same name. I love that he call it my meow, so cute!