Thursday, August 21, 2008


I propped her up for this picture, but she's supporting herself! I realized the other day that Paisley is almost 5 months! I moved Beck over to his crib when he was 5 months old, but Paisley is still very happy next to my bed in her cradle and I am very happy too. I roll over 3 times in the middle of the night, nurse, and put her back and roll back over and fall back asleep. She still wakes up 3 times to eat and I am not looking forward to having to walk the 19 steps to her room to get her out of her crib and then 5 more steps to the chair to feed her and then back again to fall asleep and then do it again and sometimes again. :) I know that I am not creating very healthy habits of her in our room considering that Beck sneaks into our bed in the wee hours of the morning. But I can do this:
and I come back a few minutes later and I see this:

so that counts for something right?


Pearsons said...

I love little Paisley, she is so petite and cute. She is growing up so fast I cant believe that she is almost 5 months. My Kambree is a huge chunk compared to her, formula chunked her right up.

Kona & Jared Harper said...

She is so cute!! I wouldn't want to get up in the night either so i say go for it!!! Time goes by so fast. I remember looking at your blog the day you had her and now to think so is 5 months!!!

Anonymous said...

How can you resist a precious little Paisley like that!? I say enjoy while you can before you can actually give people something to talk about... I thinking a couple more months won't hurt-maybe years!?

Kristen said...

What a doll! I say savor the moment. She still fits, right? It's all good....

Alisha Wilkins said...

I loved having Parker (& Taylor) right next to me, but honestly we ALL slept better when I moved them out of our room! We kept Taylor in until she was 8 weeks and Parker only made it to 3 weeks! But they both started sleeping longer stretches if not through the night shortly after moving them out!

She is a doll!

Anonymous said...

What a cutie! She's growing up so quick.

Crystal said...

She is so sweet. I love all the pictures you post of her. That is amazing she was able to prop herself up. They grow up to quickly...Olivia is still in our room.

Deborama said...

Oh my goodness Korbi your the perfect mother and your kids won't sleep with you when they are 13 so don't worry about it! Tomorrow they will be moving out, just spoil them! :)

The TAUFA'S said...

Love your pictures! I wasn't a big fan of walking to nurse either. I wouldn't worry.

Ashton & Co. said...

Oh she is so sweet! By the way, I sent your shadow box home with bob and Ann! Yeah! Cute video of Paisley- she is lucky to have such a fun mom!

Rachel Smith said...

She is so the bows! Isn't it crazy how fast they grow?
Oh, snd i must say that I am SUPER JEALOUS of your garden! I love to garden, but we can't do one where we live (can't dig up the lovely rocks that scatter our backyards)...and the box gardens we can't do either because...i don't remember why, but we can't (you don't argue when you live in nice government subsudized housing with cheap rent) but anywhoo, Love your garden! Even if the carrots are puny and the squash is's YOURS!

Rachel Smith said...

Somebody teach me how to either spell or do spellcheck before I post comments! wow