Thursday, August 28, 2008

Kortni's girls

My sister, Kortni was in Vegas the last few days, she left on Sunday. I have had her 3 girls since then (Hanna stayed at a friend's house 2 of the 3 nights) and Brandon came and got them last night about 7:30. Man, am I wiped out. And yes, I still want more kids. :) Beck had fun playing with his cousins and they all got on each other's nerves and mine, but we all survived and hopefully they still love me. There was a point when I locked them all in individual rooms because they wouldn't stop, biting, pinching, hitting each other. So I locked them in their own room and listened to them cry. None of them tried to get out, and then I let them out when they were finished crying and asked them if they'd rather play nicely together or sit by themselves and play alone? They unanimously agreed that it was better to play together. At least it lasted for 5 minutes and then it was back to the screaming. Stephen called Tuesday morning and he decided to go to Portland for work that night and the next. Little booger called when Piper, Paisley, and Beck were screaming, so I couldn't hear what he was saying, so he got away scot free and I was stuck trying to contain mysanity before it flew out the window. Paisley survived the chaos, barely. Piper is obsessed with petting her, shoving her binky in her mouth, and trying to hug her by squeezing her head. At one point she had her hand over her mouth trying to get her to stop crying. Yeah, poor thing. Oh, well, it was fun and exhausting and like I said we are all still alive. Now I am going to attempt to get ready for the school year, do Payroll for the gym and finish reconciling a bunch of statements.... Has anyone found my camera yet, I think that I am going to have a mental breakdown looking for it.

1 comment:

Jana said...

Why and when was Kortni in Vegas. Terry went there Monday afternoon and is coming home today - maybe they were there together. Tell Beck there is a package coming for him because he has to put up with all those girls!