Saturday, November 22, 2008


Twilight the movie, worth every penny, flutter of my heart, $4.00 for medium Mountain Dew, and Paisley fussing through most of it, but worth every part..... I haven't seen a movie this good in a long time. When it was drawing nearer to the end I was actually upset because I knew that it was going to be over soon. I thought, "ah man, I gotta leave this theatre and go back to real life?" Then I thought, "hey, I'll make my life as good as I think that Twilight is." No, I am not going to creep into the night and act like a vampire, but I am going to try and make my life better like I think the movies are. Don't get me wrong, I live a great life. I really do have a great husband and awesome kids, but you know how you are watching a movie and then it ends and you're like, "what? this isn't real life?" Well, that's how I felt yet again tonight as the ending credits came on, so here's to Korbi's new life, "sewing, opportunity grabbing, rolling on the floor laughing, making my kids smile, and my hubby grin, doing my hair and wearing make-up to help myself feel better and buying the expensive shampoo and all with a vampire twist." What do ya think? :)


Kristen said...

We saw it tonight and I loved loved loved it and so did Benjy! I curse all those people who gave it bad reviews... what-----EVER!

Kortni said...

I can't believe you blogged on it already. I wish I had never left the theatre. I came home to my kitchen on fire. No joke.....

Korbi said...

I want to see the movie. Can't believe you went without me? I'm almost done with the book.... Guess I'll try and finish it so I can go watch it.... Did Steven go with you?

The Goldade's said...

I loved it also! I just saw it tonight for the second time and I think I gotta see it again! :) Best movie I've seen in a LONG time!

Cassidy said...

Love it. I always think that too. Good luck!

Deborama said...

So cute your pictures of your kids! I LOVE Beck, he is getting so boy looking (instead of toddler)don't start crying, he is just such a little stud! :) They both look so cute! Twilight was good, cheesy, good, cheesy! Very good for low budget and having read them you knew everything that was going on in their heads and it made it so funny, but there were some people there that hadn't read it and it was harder for them. So I told one of my friends she isn't allowed to watch it without reading it! :)

Tamara said...

I am amazed how much this movie has been talked about this weekend, maybe I should read these books:) Vanpire's always seem to have those fabulous lives.

Rachel Smith said...

I Am 100% With you on this one korbs!!!! I LOVED every second! I Had a prema grin and my face hurt from smiling the whole time.I Felt the SAME way after seeing it. I was totally depressed that it isn't real and that I can't love Edward!

Anonymous said...

Now I can't wait to buy the movie, and all the rest to come out!

The TAUFA'S said...

I was a little hesitant to go, but enjoyed the movie. A couple of my friends, did not like the movie at all. I can honestly say I enjoyed it, thought a few things were a little different, but wanted to watch it again after I got out of it. Glad to hear there are some out there who loved it?!

Miranda said...

Haha! I love how expensive shampoo makes me feel better.