Thursday, September 18, 2008

Bath time, Yakima, naps, and climbing

My babies are always bathing in the sink. It's like a family affair, we're all in the kitchen why not bathe in the kitchen? This was Paisley's first official bath in the kitchen sink as opposed to the utility sink. You can tell that she gets a kick out of her brother.

I had a really crappy day yesterday. Busy busy and then I got really tired about 3 o'clock and wanted to lay down, so I tried and I knew that Stephen was going to call because he wanted me to bring him some clean clothes and his overnight bag to Ellensburg. I feel like he has been gone all week. He actually has, Portland, Seattle, Yakima. So I was trying to close my eyes, but my head was going a million miles an hour and I decided to just get out of bed and look at my on-line classes that I had registered for. So I logged on and then Paisley woke up and Beck wanted a juice and Paisley decided to cry for no reason that I could find and I was trying to focus on QuickBooks info and figure out what taxes we are supposed to pay and I signed up for this class to tell me that, but it just keeps saying, "go to this web site and read this 68 page document to find out if your employees are..." blah bla blah. So I was really frustrated and Stephen calls and says, "just come and stay the night in Yakima and we will go to dinner, leave in 25 minutes." Yeah, right. So I got mad, but ran around crazy anyways throwing swimsuits and pajamas in a bag and took off, Mountain Dew in hand. I ended up going to wrong way and adding 30 minutes onto my drive, but pulled into Yakima at the same time as Stephen. I was stressed, but glad I came. Stephen was nice and took me to Target and then we went swimming in the hotel pool and ordered pizza. Me and the kids drove back this morning while Stephen stayed for some appts.
Not counting Mexico where she barely dipped her toes in, this was Paisley's first swimming pool!Look at her cute suit! I was going to order it on-line when I was pregnant for Paisley to wear in Mexico, and I had it in my order basket, but by the time I got back it was all gone, so I didn't get it. But I was at a yard sale about 3 weeks ago and I found it in 3-6 months for $2! Yeah for me! So this is the first time that she got to wear it and it will probably be too small after this, but it still is pretty darn cute.
Pais has been pretty fussy considering her usual angelic demeanor, I can only blame it on teething and pray that it passes quickly. She has her "comforts;" blankets next to her face, her binky, and now she likes to hold her feet. This is how she fell asleep for her nap today after some major fussiness.
Today while at playgroup, Beck and his friend Roman decided to try and climb a tree. Where do boys get this? Is in just a built in thing? It's not like I ever walked outside and said, "Okay, Beck, this is a tree, you climb it."
So after we got home I was upstairs unpacking our overnight bag and I come downstairs to this.... Little booger is getting smarter every day.


Kristen said...

I know those last minute spur of the moment trips are stressful, yet so worth it. I love Hotels. Knowing that I don't have to clean the room! ;-) Beck is a smart little guy!

Tiffany Fackrell said...

I LOVE how she fell asleep holding her feet, so so so cute! And her little giggle while beck is splashing her is priceless. Oh man she is too cute!! and that suit is adorable too!! If she is anything like Cambree it will fit her next year too!!! I put a little onsie on Cambree today and I thought, I have had this for awhile what size is it anyway, it was a 3 to 6 month!!! She wore it and it still fit, haha!

Emilyjo said...

Wow, you have been doing alot! I love Paisly laughing while she's getting water thrown in her face.

Its funny what doesn't seem like a big deal anymore with the second kid, were with the first kid you wouldn't imagine a kid throwing water in their face or swinging them to hard etc.

And that is so stinken funny with paisly asleep holding her foot, I haven't seen that one before. :)

It seems like you could use a break though. Make your hubby come home and take the kids for a few hours! ;) (yeah right, huh!)

Lena Gilbert said...

I can't believe she can fall asleep like that with her foot up in the air! She is quite flexible. I think its funny how boys want to climb everything. Isak does that too and it seems like it just comes natural!

Ashton & Co. said...

Cute pics of the kids, and videos. Paisley is still darling, even with no hair :)I love Beck's haircut- he looks a little more grown up! YOu're the woman to be able to leave your house in 25 minutes with 2 kids for overnight. It takes me a good 24 hours to prepare mentally for an overnighter, than the whole next day to pack and get things ready.

Ivy said...

Wow, you are super mom, you always have so many crazy stories, where do you get your energy?!

Brit said...

Hey this is MOM. I love the giggling. I miss these kids so much! Now do you know why Kortni is the captain? I hope by the time I see him, I'm sure it'll be long again. I'll call you later today after you & Beck get done at the dr. Give the kids a hug and kiss. I love you guys! June and Sheree have your address so now they'll read about you guys - Brit put Sheree's on her blog so you can get to it.

twylla said...

Boy you are going someplace all the time How lucky no beds to make no dishes to do. Have a great time